11/17/2005 10:04:00 AM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|(Possible Lost spoilers below)
If I work on a Tuesday or Thursday, it's always at the same school. This is because they're finished at 2:03, getting me out of the building at 2:15 and to the college before 3. My first class is at 4:30, so I like having that bit of time to prepare.
Of course, the day ending at 2:03 means it starts really really early. Homeroom bell is at 7:28. Ack. I have a really difficult time leaving the house before 7. It takes about 20 minutes to get there, and in a perfect world, I would arrive at 7:15, giving me a little bit of breathing room.
Today, I almost made it.
What I failed to consider was that my car would need to be cleaned off.
There wasn't a significant amount of snow, but since it had changed from rain to snow, there was that coating of icy crud on the windows underneath the snow that had to be scraped off. Ugh. There's nothing I hate more than scraping ice off my car. This is the kind of morning when a remote starter would be heaven.
A couple of quick notes on Lost (really the only show I'm watching on a regular basis. I kind of gave up on Alias, and my West Wing viewing has been sporadic. I hate that it's on Sunday night. Generally, the idea that shows will soon be out on DVD has made me less concerned about missing things.):
I liked getting the back story of the other survivors. I completely forgot about the freaky radio transmission!
Hey, it's that guy from Ed! Totally not one of the Others, but it was a nice fakeout, I thought.
How freaking creepy are The Others? And when do we get their story?
I didn't like having to wait another week to see what happens with Shannon. (Although, let's be honest...we all know what happens with Shannon. Just when I was starting to like her.)
|W|P|113224100678773691|W|P|It's still hard, at six o'clock in the morning...|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/17/2005 11:55:00 AM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|Hey, send me an email and I'll invite you to the Lost discussion group! :)11/17/2005 01:04:00 PM|W|P| jalaire|W|P|I had also forgotten about the weird radio transmission, and it was nice that they didn't take weeks and weeks to catch us up on the "Tailies" story...(I kinda expected JJ to take that route.)
Alias has become background noise while I do other things, and that makes me very, very sad, but I know I'll eventually just see it all at once on DVD.11/17/2005 04:39:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|How do I get to your Lost discussion group? I did get an e-mail from you, but I think I managed to botch up figuring out how to get over there.
Really liked last night's Lost. It's going to be cool seeing the Lostaways and Tailaways interact. Can't wait to see the interaction between John Locke and Mr. Eko.11/16/2005 11:27:00 AM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|CRUNCH N MUNCH STRIPPERS
I wish I were making that up.|W|P|113215851171464818|W|P|Most disturbing search in my stats today:|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/16/2005 11:56:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|what does that mean??11/16/2005 11:57:00 AM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|I don't know. I'm not sure I want to...
;)11/16/2005 12:16:00 PM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|You think that's bad? I had this:
'standing p***s of young boy photo free'
I blocked out the letters, not the searcher!11/16/2005 12:21:00 PM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|ew.11/16/2005 01:12:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|Crunch n Munch Strippers. I guess someone wanted to see some strippers eating Crunch n Munch, or to see the creative ways the strippers placed the crunch n munch on their bodies. LOL.
People are so weird.11/16/2005 01:24:00 PM|W|P| Andrew Ironwood|W|P|Alternate theory: while Googling "CRUNCH N MUNCH", I saw they had done some crosspromotional work with Marvel Comics -- might this possibly have been someone looking for the "comic strippers" (aka authors of comic strips) of said promotions?
(...nah, yer rite -- it's gotta be sumthin' preverted, ah-rite...)11/15/2005 12:28:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|I joined frappr. Go, add yourself to the map. It's fun!
:)|W|P|113207575064775664|W|P|Jumping on the bandwagon|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/16/2005 01:15:00 PM|W|P| Andrew Ironwood|W|P|(...okay, so I don't know my Motley Crue from my KISS anymore...)11/14/2005 07:58:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|I had a "me" day today. Yay!
I already have work tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, so I decided I could afford to shut the phone off and be unavailable today. I went to David's Bridal to try on the dress for my brother's wedding. Here's what mine's going to look like:
Separates. The color is fantastic. Also, I really like the top, although they did not have it in the store in my size in ANY color. I tried on a different top in a 6, and it seemed to fit. I tried on this top in a 4, which nearly fit (much to my surprise) except that it wouldn't quite zip at the top. So the 6 should be fine, I think.
Women's sizes are so strange. There is no continuity. The dress I wore for Susan's wedding was a 10. I typically wear a size 8 in pants and skirts, and usually a 6 on top.
Since I was already out and about, I decided to take my little laptop and go to Barnes & Noble. There was a sign on the front window that said "High speed wireless here!"
But what they don't tell you is that it's not free. Boo.
I had to pay $3.95 for 2 hours, but I decided it wasn't worth packing up and going somewhere else. So I got an Asiago Cheese Pretzel, plugged in my headphones and listened to my music, chatted a bit with Eden, and got to writing.
I think Tall Mocha on Wheels, the current story I'm working on for Woman's World, is nearly ready to submit. I also started on another project that I'm not talking about just yet, but I am having a lot of fun with it.
I've abandoned NaNo. I was wasting my energy. But oddly enough, I seem to have funnelled it into more productive areas. So yay for me. :)
I also did some other not-so-interesting things like grading and laundry.
Random thoughts:
That cute, happy, Brit-poppy song I keep hearing on the radio and liking so much? That one that goes "No matter what you are, I will always be with you/Doesn't matter what you do, girl, ooh girl, with you" is DEF LEPPARD. Covering Badfinger. I was dumbfounded.
I understand there's a new Goo Goo Dolls song out, although I haven't yet heard it.
Also, I hate Bon Jovi's new single, Have a Nice Day. HATE it. And you know how much I like Bon Jovi. I hate it so much that I don't even want to hear the album.
And that's me today.|W|P|113201743408324185|W|P|Hooray for "me" days|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/14/2005 10:47:00 PM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|The new GGD song is called "Better Days," and it's a Rzeznik song (bien sur!). They performed it on the Today Show not too long ago. It's on a new CD called "Sounds of the Season: The NBC Holiday Collection." I got it at Target for like $4.99! As you probably gathered from the song title, it's not about chestnuts, snowmen or sleigh rides! It starts out quiet and builds. It's not his greatest song, but it's not bad, and its message is quite welcome and uplifting considering the state of the world.
Did I really write all that?!
Def Leppard doing a cover is really sad. But they need all the help they can get these days.
I haven't gotten the new Bon Jovi album yet either. I'm sure there's a decent power ballad on there somewhere, though...
NEW MADONNA TOMORROW!!! :-)11/15/2005 01:25:00 PM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|Badfinger has a lot of good stuff. If you enjoy McCartney tunes (and that one is one I believe), check them out. I could burn you a Best of Badfinger but I believe you will be 87 years old before I get to it.
Burning CDs. Heh.11/15/2005 06:22:00 PM|W|P| -Me|W|P|I don't mind Have A Nice Day, but i really like Welcome To Wherever You Are.11/11/2005 04:29:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|
Dear fashion industry,
Gaucho pants? Really?
erin-go-blog|W|P|113174457812741431|W|P|Open letter to the fashion industry|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/11/2005 10:32:00 PM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|Oh sweet Jesus save us all.11/12/2005 12:26:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|I saw a woman wearing a pair with boots at the mall the other night! Ew.11/12/2005 04:32:00 PM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|I saw ads for them a couple weeks ago, and every time? I complain to Matt about them.
"Gaucho pants look good on...no one."11/12/2005 09:01:00 PM|W|P| Minnesota Nice|W|P|Hey I stopped by because I heard how cute and smart you are. And you are! I saw a pair of camoflage gaucho pants at the airport yesterday...with stilettos. "That's hot."
I'm with ya on the Pat Robertson thing too, he's totally insane.11/13/2005 11:20:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|OMG...WTF??? Umm, maybe someone who wears like a size 0 or a size 2 could pull that off (and no offense to those readers who are that size. I'm so jealous!) but NO NO NO!!!11/13/2005 03:38:00 PM|W|P| stodmyk|W|P|On a good note, this inspired me to go back and listen to Steely Dan's classic album, Gaucho. Hey Nineteen, Babylon Sisters... does it get any better?
Always looking for a bright side,
Jason11/14/2005 10:47:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|They were ugly when they were in fashion back in the late '80s, early '90s, and they're still ugly.11/14/2005 01:51:00 PM|W|P| All Things Jennifer|W|P|Ooooh. Don't mess with the poncho man. I love my ponchos.
I caught the early side of the trend though.11/14/2005 08:19:00 PM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|Heehee...I had no idea this post would generate so much response. I'm glad I'm not alone. :) ALL the high school girls are wearing these.11/11/2005 04:23:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|Not that this really needs to be said, but Pat Robertson is crazy.
Every time he opens his mouth, I just want to hurl things at him.
Oh, and I heard this little tidbit on the radio while in the car...apparently, there is some backlash over oil companies' record profits. Yeah, that's right. Record profits.
The scrutiny intensified after Exxon Mobil, the world's biggest oil company, posted a profit of 9.92 billion dollars for the third quarter -- the biggest in US corporate history.
Democratic Senator Charles Schumer said the 29 major oil and gas firms in the Standard and Poor's 500 stock index are expected to earn 96 billion dollars this year -- up from 68 billion dollars last year and 43 billion dollars in 2003.
"It's become perfectly clear that the big oil companies are cashing in while average American families are being bled dry," Schumer said.
Schumer and other Democrats are pressing for legislation to tax the "excess" profits of oil firms to fund heating assistance programs, recovery from Hurricane Katrina and other programs.
I was screaming at my radio. Ugh.
I got my hair cut today...nothing crazy...but I just love Lynn at Papillon Salon so much. She always makes me look fabulous. Yes, I pay too much, but the fabulousness...|W|P|113174453082372603|W|P|Random things|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/14/2005 09:34:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|How much do you pay? Does she color it, too? Is it "Alyssa Milano short" again?11/11/2005 04:17:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|I have been named a Blogging Cutie. Jen too. In fact, we are the inaugural blogging cuties.
You like me. You really like me.
;)|W|P|113174387782962066|W|P|I am truly honored...|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/13/2005 08:41:00 PM|W|P| LC Scotty|W|P|The pleasure is all mine. Well and my readers too of course. Both of them.11/11/2005 01:14:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|So last night, I went to see the Ron Hawkins Acoustic Revue with Jen and Rachel.
I hadn't eaten much yesterday...I started off the day with chocolate ovaltine, then a South Beach Diet cereal bar (with protein!), later, I wasn't all that hungry, so I had an apple and a bowl of cereal at the college. I left class with $3 in my wallet, so I stopped at McD's for McNuggets and fries.
Met Jen and Rach at Gramma Mora's for drinks (I had a margarita and a vodka cran).
Went next door to the show, which was fine. The Sidebar seems like a really nice place, but not optimum viewing conditions for a show like this. It was very, very full and very, very warm. All was well. I was enjoying myself, and had a little bit of a buzz going from the drinks. (I'm a total lightweight.)
About halfway through the set, I started to feel REALLY warm, and a little lightheaded. I thought maybe I should go outside for some air, but it was too hard to get through the crowd to the door. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground. Jen and Rachel helped me up, got me outside, and got me a glass of water.
Some people saw me out there and mistook me for the girl who was puking in the bathroom.
We sat outside for a bit, then headed back in. We decided to not try and get back up near the stage, but took a spot toward the back, by the sound board. Couldn't really see, but it was much less crowded. I was doing fine, completely fine, until almost the end of the set when it happened again. I had that split second "maybe I should go outside" thought, then I leaned on the table. Jen saw me, and kind of put her arm around me, and I thought "If I can just keep myself up till this passes, I'll be fine."
My body had other ideas. I ended up on the floor again.
The worst part, I think, was being mistaken for an extremely drunk person.
Some woman brought me a cool cloth and put it on my neck, and then got me a glass of water. Rachel sat with me while Jen went outside and called Rand. We left during the encore, and Jen drove me home.
Today, I seem to be doing fine.
I'm chalking it up to lack of nutrition combined with alcohol. But it was pretty unpleasant and scary. :(|W|P|113173340795456915|W|P|Catch me I'm falling...|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/11/2005 03:58:00 PM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|Maybe it was from drinking both tequila and vodka? Or is the whole "don't mix your liquor" thing just urban legend? At any rate, glad you're feeling better today. Hopefully it was just a fluke! :-O11/11/2005 04:46:00 PM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|I know people have warned me about mixing liquors, but it was more about getting sick (puke-sick), I think. That happened to me in college once, but I drank half a bottle of champagne and THEN drank several different types of liquor. Ugh.11/11/2005 09:37:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|I'm so sorry to hear it! I hope you're feeling much better today.11/12/2005 09:18:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|Remember that time Homer wanted to feel drunk without drinking alcohol and drove up a large hill to breathe the thinner air, and then... oh wait, that's TV again.11/10/2005 01:08:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|What's the worst/strangest/most annoying job you've held as an adult? (Yeah, annoying summer jobs during high school and college don't count.)
This is research. :)|W|P|113164619175054245|W|P|Worst Jobs-a poll|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/10/2005 03:07:00 PM|W|P| Ben O.|W|P|Blog Writer Extraordinaire . . .
Does that count?
Ben O.11/10/2005 10:30:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|Wow...well, it's a tie between working at McDonald's and then Petsmart. But I guess McDonald's was the worst since I only lasted 3 days on the job. I worked at Petsmart for about 4 months.11/10/2005 10:33:00 PM|W|P| LC Scotty|W|P|let's see. I too have played the telemarketing game, but I was just out of the Navy and was looking to suplement my income with a part time job.
But that was not the worst. Not by a long shot. The absolute worst was Vacuum Cleaner Salesman. Since it can be difficult to convince people that an MS in physics prepares you to do engineering, and no school districts around here were hiring, I was relagated to hawking $3500.00 vacuums. And yes, that's US dollars.11/11/2005 12:26:00 PM|W|P| All Things Jennifer|W|P|I actually LIKED McDonalds. ;)
Hmmm. Worse? Erin what was my worse job???
I hated working at the grocery store, TOPS.
I LOATHED AND DESPISED working at the Meadville Theater in college, that was the year of Pocohontas. I will never forget that damn *around the river bend* song 200 times a day.
But I feel like there has to be something WORSE...
Actually, the time I spent over tha last year or so that I had NO JOB was the worse job...11/11/2005 02:27:00 PM|W|P| Andrew Ironwood|W|P|I spent the first 6 months out of college as a rural newpaper delivery person with about 100 customers. The hours weren't bad (2 hours a day 5 days a week, plus 4 hours on Mondays for the free weekly supplements), but the wear and tear on the car and the hand muscles (*you* try driving from the passenger seat with your left hand while folding 100 newpapers a day with your right) was a bit much...
(Sometime not long before that, I also tried door-to-door sales for 2.5 days but discovered I had absolutely no tolerance for being yelled at by people angry at having their afternoon naptime interrupted...)11/09/2005 09:05:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|Why, my brand new laptop!
:)|W|P|113158837044614917|W|P|Guess what I'm writing this blog post on?|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/10/2005 08:59:00 AM|W|P| All Things Jennifer|W|P|Woo hoooooo!!!11/10/2005 10:58:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|Can you write it off on your taxes because you're a freelance writer?11/10/2005 11:27:00 AM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|Woo!11/10/2005 11:44:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|I'm glad you listened to Thomas.11/10/2005 11:45:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|I'm also glad you listened to Thomas.11/10/2005 11:45:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|I'm glad you listened to Thomas too.11/10/2005 11:45:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|Aren't you glad you listened to Thomas?11/10/2005 12:01:00 PM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|Thank you, Thomas. ;)11/08/2005 10:21:00 AM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|Listening to:
Crash Test Dummies, Ghosts That Haunt Me
For crying out loud, why didn't someone TELL me that the Crash Test Dummies were FUN? Because when all I had to go on was "Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm", uh, that wasn't really screaming "fun" to me.
Good Omens
Tee hee. :)
(on DVD) Northern Exposure
Only the first two episodes so far. Hurrah for Netflix!
(on television) The West Wing
I think I'm in a minority, but I thoroughly enjoyed the "live debate" format of Sunday's episode.
Ummm...I'm not doing so great on my NaNo project. I'm only just over 5000 words. I'm feeling discouraged about the direction of my story. Or rather, the fact that it has none.
In positive writing news, though, I finished the rewrite of a story that I want to submit to WW. Anyone interested in reading it can contact me. :)|W|P|113146365349290758|W|P|Time for a quickie|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/08/2005 12:10:00 PM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|Ooh I'll read. I definietly want you to publish there again. Get that laptop!
Anyway, I also have Good Omens, whic I've started like 4 times and could never get into. I like both authors so I don't know what the problem is. My current read is Pratchett's "Thud."11/08/2005 10:39:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|I thoroughly enjoyed the "West Wing" live debate, too :). I admit I hadn't watched the show in quite some time, but I was fascinated by the new gimmick, so I checked it out. It was fun.11/09/2005 03:22:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|I'm watching Lost on my new iBook right now.
The other day the FedEx guy dropped off a new iBook at my house instead of my neighbor's who ordered it.
whoo hoo! Free laptop!11/13/2005 03:44:00 PM|W|P| stodmyk|W|P|The Crash Test Dummies, unfortunately, become less fun as time goes on. The Ghosts That Haunt Me is as good as it gets, God Shuffled His Feet is fair to middlin', and A Worm's Life has a few sparks but that's pretty much it.
After that (although I haven't heard the new album, where all the original folks get back together, apparently), it's just Brad Roberts without any quality filters to keep him honest. Ever since he moved to New York (the whole band hails out of Winnipeg), CTD music has gone downhill faster than a lubed-up thing in a greasy place.11/15/2005 06:27:00 PM|W|P| -Me|W|P|i *heart* CTD.11/03/2005 09:22:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|Stolen from Jennifer.
Find the fifth sentence of your 23rd post.
Here's mine:
I called him again today.
(or if you don't skip the song lyrics, it's: i don't want to be your glass of single malt whiskey hidden in the bottom drawer)
Post in the comments (with a link!) if you want to play. :)|W|P|113107116331191827|W|P|A meme! Imagine that....|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/04/2005 12:15:00 AM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|I've done this one for my food blog!11/04/2005 08:51:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|"There's no possible way to describe it without totally giving away the whole plot."
(http://missmita.blogspot.com/2003_05_01_missmita_archive.html#94577456)11/04/2005 09:23:00 AM|W|P| Dave|W|P|Mine is frightfully boring:
I thought I'd reward myself with a quick blog entry.
Snooze-snooze.11/04/2005 01:08:00 PM|W|P| LC Scotty|W|P|Upon first reading this, I thought "Boy, get yourself to Denmark!", but then I realized the we have our own taxpayer funded whores right here.11/01/2005 04:17:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|I learned the electric slide sometime in the early 90s, when I was in high school. It was all the rage. There was this "dance club" that had teen nights about 45 minutes from where I lived, and my friends and I used to pile into a car, drive down there, and dance the night away. We all wanted to learn the "cool new line dance" that everyone was doing.
Kim, Jill and I were the dancers in the group, so we learned it fairly easily. Soon, we'd taught it to the whole cheerleading squad, and even incorporated it into our routine senior year. (Wow! We were so cutting edge!)
When I was a freshman in college, I took a phys ed class called social dance. We learned to waltz, cha cha, and jitterbug, and as we neared the end of the semester, our teacher (one of my favorite professors, Jan Hyatt) talked about the trend of line dancing, and how she wished she knew the electric slide.
"Um, I know the electric slide," I quietly volunteered.
Next class, I brought in a tape with the music and proceeded to teach my whole class, and my teacher, the electric slide. I became known as "the girl who taught Jan Hyatt the electric slide."
Recently, I overheard my brother and his fiancee talking about their upcoming wedding, trying to decide what music they wanted played at the reception.
"Oh, but your sister likes the electric slide," I heard.
"Your sister is kind of over the electric slide," I said.
Really. I don't mind it. I don't care if they play it at their wedding, and if they do, I'm sure I'll get up and dance
It's been well over ten years that I've been doing this dance...at high school dances, sorority functions, weddings...I don't particularly like it anymore, but I still feel oddly compelled to do it. Mostly because when I see people line up to do it at a wedding, it is usually sorely in need of leadership. My point was proven over the weekend, at the wedding I went to with Rand.
The music came on, and I hesitated.
"Go on," Rand said.
I sighed.
I took a position on the end, did the most basic version that exists. No fancy steps or turns. When it was over, I came off the floor.
"You were right," he said. "Everyone was following you."
It's my curse.|W|P|113088391889299093|W|P|It's electric!|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/02/2005 08:17:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|ha! that was one of the specific songs banned at our wedding reception which was played anyway by the moron DJ11/02/2005 11:13:00 AM|W|P| |W|P|LOL...I never learned the electric slide, but I liked the song. Hee hee.11/02/2005 01:01:00 PM|W|P| Stephanie|W|P|Gak -- people still do the Electric Slide? I thought The Macarena cured that.
This wedding reception... was it in a firehall by any chance? ;)11/03/2005 12:27:00 PM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|Hey Debbie, I'll show you next time I see you...because this is important information to have. ;)
SQ-teehee!11/03/2005 04:16:00 PM|W|P| |W|P|wait, you taught your dance teacher the electric slide? hahahah
i wonder if she's learned the achy breaky yet... or the macarena.
boogie woogie woogie!11/07/2005 09:12:00 PM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|But can you do Napoleon Dynamite's dance? :-)11/08/2005 08:41:00 AM|W|P| Erinna|W|P|Sadly, no. I'm one of about 3 people on earth who saw Napoleon and didn't really like it.
;)11/08/2005 08:44:00 AM|W|P| Unknown|W|P|Well, I didn't like it the first time I saw it. It took another viewing to begin to fully appreciate all the silliness!11/01/2005 12:07:00 PM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|NaNoWriMo starts today. As previously stated, I am going to participate, in an attempt to finish what I started last year. (Posted at my writing blog...I think I'm going to be making some stylistic changes...check there for details) So go ahead, nag me!
Ummm...scratch that part about it being at the writing blog...I'm sticking with the same story, but doing something slightly different with it, so I decided to start a new, anonymous place for it. It was going to be more work to try and change what I've already got written. I want to try to write the story in blog/journal form. If you want the link, email me and I'll send it to you.
In order to help with my writing goals, I ordered a laptop today. Thanks to Thomas (and his, ahem, anonymous friends) I decided to go with the iBook. Woohoo!
Something funny overheard by Rand while working on the reference desk yesterday:
"Well, it's not plagiarization if you citate it."
Sadly, I'm not making that up.
Hrm...I should get some writing done. :)|W|P|113086524966672553|W|P|Tidbits|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com11/01/2005 09:36:00 AM|W|P|Erinna|W|P|Hey everyone! The annual Toasted Cheese Dead of Winter contest opens today...judged by me and Eden. Here's the info, for anyone who's interested. (feel free to pass it on!)
The contest runs Nov. 1 through Dec. 21. Winners will be announced January 31, 2006.
Stories submitted to the 5th Annual Dead of Winter contest (December 2005) should follow the theme: "The souvenirs/trophies of a returned soldier"
Word limit is 3900 words.
Remember: "Dead of Winter" (or DOW) is a supernatural fiction contest. You may use elements of horror, fantasy etc. but above all your story must have that touch of the "otherworldy" about it. For examples of what we mean, please read winning entries from previous DOW contests in our archived March issues.
Entries are blind-judged by Baker and Billiard. Decisions are final.
Winning stories are published in the March issue of Toasted Cheese.
Entries must adhere to Toasted Cheese's regular fiction submission guidelines and to the chosen theme.
ETA: Please note that this contest is blind-judged, and I am one of the judges. If you read this blog and you enter, please do not tell me!|W|P|113085600003497224|W|P|Dead of Winter contest|W|P|27chronicles@gmail.com